Hunger. It’s the first word that came into my mind when I woke up this morning. It was most probably the growling of my stomach that put that word into my head. But as I lay there I began to meditate on on it because I felt there was something more to it. The images of people hoarding carts of groceries was not only unforgettable, it was deplorable. I thought of so many who could not begin to afford to buy so much food or even those who would never think to do such a thing. But it happened all across our country. Lines stretched around parking lots so the throngs could pile as much food into their carts as they could manage. Why? Ultimately they were fearful of going hungry. Greed and selfishness clouded their common sense. If they would only have bought what they needed for the week there would be no food shortages. Shelves of bread, eggs, water and yes, toilet paper would still be full. I then began to think of another kind of hunger, a spiritual hunger. Are people hungry for God? Are they only thinking of what can fill their stomachs and not what can fill their deepest longings? Recently, in the Gospels, we read about the woman at the well. She encountered Jesus who told her that He could give her living water and that she would never thirst again. Only He can satisfy our thirst. Only He can give us His flesh and blood that truly satisfies us. If you hunger for something more than what physical food can give you, enter into God’s storehouse. The shelves are always fully stocked. There you can find peace, comfort, consolation, healing, forgiveness, mercy, joy, and love. What do you need? Go to Him. Enter into His heart and He will give you all you desire. The best part is that it’s free. Will you pray with me?
Dear Jesus, I come to you in my emptiness. I’m not even sure what I need. I am afraid, lonely, weary and anxious about many things. As I enter Your “storehouse”, will You please guide me to the spiritual aisles I should go down? Begin to fill my “cart” with courage, peace, patience, and humility. You know everything about me and what I need to stop the growling of my spirit. I come hungry.
“The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, His mercies are not spent;They are renewed each morning, so great is His faithfulness.” Lamentations 3: 22-23