And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Recently, I made a visit to the small Blessed Sacrament chapel at my parish right after Mass. I made my way to my seat and was trying to settle myself to a place of inner silence when a little girl, no older than two, followed her mother into the chapel. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she was such a beautiful child. As her mother knelt down, this sweet child proceeded to the back of the chapel to hold the door for others who were entering. Once everyone was inside, she confidently walked directly to the altar and made a deep bow. I was trying hard to focus on the true Presence but this little girl now had my full attention. She found a chair and tried, with much difficulty, to climb up onto it. Her mother was in prayer but she heard the sigh of her child and instantly helped her. Once seated she reached around to the back of the chair to get a rosary and fingered the beads. Not long after she became fidgety and the mother quietly took her by the hand and they quickly departed. The sweet little one was gone but I couldn't help but meditate on what I had just experienced.

Having been a teacher of little ones for over 25 years, I readily admit that I often learned from the children. Their hearts are pure and they are the most loving, honest and trusting people around. Jesus said that we must become like them if we wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  This little girl in the chapel was a distinct reminder of that. She felt comfortable in God's house, welcoming others. Am I welcoming to all, as well? She was bold as she approached His throne in confidence. Do I ever worry about what others may think of my own boldness of faith? And as she struggled onto her chair, she knew that her mother would help her. I think of the Mother of my Lord, my Mother, too. When I am struggling, do I turn to her in prayer for assistance, trusting that she is there to help me and to intercede for all my needs?

Dear Jesus, give me true humility of heart and help me to become like the little child in the chapel. Give me the grace to let go of so many worldly concerns and to live my faith with simplicity. May I have a heart filled with love and respect for others and may I come to You with reverence and with confidence in Your love for me. And when I am weak, let me feel the warmth of my Mother's arms around me, protecting me. Thank You for teaching me a beautiful lesson in a most unexpected way.